Eight Best Practices for Migrating to React from Older JavaScript Frameworks

July 5, 2024
React code

In the fast-paced realm of web development, staying updated with the latest technologies is crucial. If your business is still stuck with older JavaScript frameworks like jQuery, it’s high time to consider upgrading to a modern library such as React. This change can significantly enhance your application’s performance and maintainability. However, transitioning to React requires careful planning and execution to avoid disruptions. Here are some best practices to ensure a smooth migration from legacy JavaScript frameworks to React, with a focus on integrating TypeScript for additional benefits.

Evaluate Your Current Codebase

Before diving into the migration, take a close look at your existing codebase. Identify the core functionalities that use jQuery or other frameworks, and categorize them based on their complexity and dependencies. This assessment helps prioritize which parts of the application to migrate first and which can wait.

Take an Incremental Approach

Instead of a complete overhaul, which can be overwhelming and risky, opt for a gradual approach. Slowly replace jQuery components with React. Start with less critical parts of your application or new features that can be built from scratch using React. This approach allows you to learn and adapt to React without jeopardizing your entire system.

Integrate TypeScript

Incorporating TypeScript into your migration offers several advantages, including static type checking, improved code quality, and easier debugging. React and TypeScript complement each other well, so it’s beneficial to introduce TypeScript early in the migration process. Begin by converting a few files to TypeScript, then gradually transition the rest. This early adoption can help catch errors early and enforce consistent coding practices.

Utilize React's Modular Architecture

One of the main benefits of React is its modular architecture, which promotes reusable and maintainable code. Break down your existing jQuery code into smaller, manageable React components. Each component should encapsulate specific functionality, making it easier to test, maintain, and update in the future. This modular approach aligns with React’s design principles and enhances your application's overall structure.

Embrace Hooks and Functional Components

React’s introduction of hooks has revolutionized state management and side effects handling within functional components. Use hooks like useState, useEffect, and useContext to manage component state and lifecycle methods effectively. Functional components, combined with hooks, offer a more concise and readable codebase compared to class components. This modern approach simplifies component logic and smooths the migration process.

Maintain Compatibility with Existing Libraries

During the migration, you might still need to rely on some jQuery plugins or other legacy libraries. React provides various ways to integrate these libraries, such as using refs to interact directly with DOM elements or leveraging third-party React wrappers for popular jQuery plugins. Ensure compatibility between React and your existing libraries to maintain functionality and prevent disruptions during the migration.

Implement Comprehensive Testing

Testing is a critical part of any migration process. Use tools like Jest and React Testing Library to write unit tests and integration tests for your React components. Automated testing ensures your new React code behaves as expected and helps identify regressions early. Maintaining a robust test suite also provides confidence when making future changes to the codebase.

Invest in Training and Knowledge Sharing

Migrating to React is a significant technological shift. Invest in training your development team on React and TypeScript best practices. Encourage knowledge sharing through regular code reviews, pair programming sessions, and internal workshops. Building a strong understanding of React across your team is crucial for long-term success and maintainability.


Upgrading from older JavaScript frameworks like jQuery to React is a strategic move that can boost your web applications’ performance and maintainability. By evaluating your codebase, adopting an incremental approach, integrating TypeScript, utilizing React’s modular architecture, embracing hooks, ensuring compatibility, implementing comprehensive testing, and investing in training, you can ensure a smooth and successful transition to React.

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